Minimalism and Some Glitter

Chapter 2017, page 1. Ready? img_7822

Five and a half years ago, when my dream of being a published author seemed slim, even after the lovely agent (Mary Sue Seymour, founder of The Seymour Agency) offered to represent me, I applied for and accepted a temp job with the local government.

What started as a back-up plan has lasted over half a decade, and those years have schooled me in ways I’d never imagined.

It may have taken me five and a half years to figure out, but I now realize that having a day job doesn’t mean I’m a failure as an author. Through social media, I’ve met many fabulous authors who also have day jobs, and all those setbacks I thought were stopping me from moving forward don’t have to be setbacks at all.

“Swallow goals like tic tacs and wash down disappointment with whiskey.”

img_7485With the support of my amazing hubby, I keep setting new goals for myself and reminding myself to enjoy the journey one sunset at a time.

When my one big goal jammed me up, I found another – more achievable – one to pursue. I always stuck with my first goal, but little successes are as important as the one big success. Whiskey helped to temporarily relieve the pain of a temporary disappointment, and everything in life is temporary, even life.

So rather than focus on things that bring me down, I’ve paid special attention to what lifts me up.

While adding bits of minimalism to my daily life, I’ve managed to live within my means, travel with my hubby, and attend events close to my heart.

img_5090Because I finally understand Oscar Wilde’s quote, “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.”

I’ve started asking the right questions for me:

What am I passionate about?

What do I want to change?

How can I initiate that change?

For too long I thought I didn’t have the skill set or the knowledge to be part of the solution, so I closed my mouth instead of addressing the problem. For even longer than that, I questioned why anyone would want to even hear my opinion on certain issues. But that ends now. I have stories to tell, anecdotes to share, opinions to contribute… and I know someone will listen.

The author-me always jokes about having one fan (my hubby), but this year I received emails from readers asking if I was ever going to finish my South Beach series. I’d blogged about earning a three-book deal which turned into a three-book plus novella deal, and then I was fortunate enough to be chosen to be part of the Men of the Zodiac series, but… for many dumb reasons, I had a crisis in confidence and never finished revising the other books in my first contract. I’m working on revising those two books now…

img_6080So… Thank you to everyone who stuck with me since 2010, watching my journey and not pointing and laughing as I stumbled.
I miss the old me before I forgot who I am and how I’m built. I tried to be something I’m not, and I failed, and I’m okay with that, because it’s about the journey, right?

And I’m not done traveling…

But I’ve realized I don’t have to make this journey alone.

Since 2016 took so much from me (emotionally and physically), I declare 2017 as the year of giving.

And I’d love for you to be part of my giving year!!!!

the-lazy-gecko-erasethelineHere are three easy ways:
Message me with your snail mail address, and I’ll mail you an #ERASETHELINE sticker for free. Stick it somewhere awesome, snap a pic, and post on social media with the #ERASETHELINE hashtag.


Go to Key West. Find an #ERASETHELINE sticker. Snap a pic and post on social media with the #ERASETHELINE hashtag.


Comment, like, and share this post on social media.

All throughout 2017, I’ll randomly collect entrants, choose winners, and mail packages! I might even throw in some glitter… if you’re into that kind of thing.

Goodies will be progressive, so check back often to see when winners are chosen and new goodies are added!

  1. $10 Starbucks Gift Card – ecard emailed or gift card mailed
  2. $10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card – ecard emailed or gift card mailed
  3. Box of new print books, including one or more of mine
  4. Happy Hour with me! – at a time and location mutually agreed upon by you and me

As always, thanks for finding me. Thanks for being here.

xox ~Risa

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