Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans

…and now, for a random post to begin the month of August 2012

Dark chocolate covered espresso beans helped me get from where I was to where I wanted to be and finally to where I am…

June 2010 – quit my day job teaching students

June 2011 – accepted The Seymour Agency’s Media Specialist position

July 2012 – received seriously awesome, dream come true news (will share in a later post)

Through it all, I’ve enjoyed dark chocolate covered espresso beans.

Some people have lucky shirts, socks, rituals… I have my beans.

Do you have a lucky charm?

…and because I was just tagged in Macy Beckett’s The “look” challenge…

According to the rules of the game, I’m supposed to search my work in progress for the first usage of the word “look,” paste the surrounding paragraph into my blog, and tag as many people as possible. Here’s a line from my YA novel, Accidentally Mortal:

“Well, that’s fantastic,” Elisa clucked, using their secret code for WTF. She shoved her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and flinched as she surveyed the kitchen. “Looks like you threw a hell of a party.”

I tag Amanda Flower, Jen Danna, and Jamie Ayres.


  1. LOL, I was just tagged in this Look thing by another blogger too! I’ll post on Wed and maybe you could share some dark chocolate covered espresso beans as I start another school year? If so, bring some to GCTC today;~)

  2. Ha! Love secret exciting news…and chocolate covered espresso beans! If I’m having a challenging day and I see a hawk (or an eagle!) flying, I know everything will be okay.

    Clearly I need something I can control — so I could just reach for this thing when I felt I needed it. Hmmm.

  3. Chocolate-covered espresso beans are my secret delight. Yes, yes! I’ll think of you next time I pop one in my mouth–which will be shortly 🙂

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