
2013-08-16 14.11.29In the past year, my hubby has presented information systems research papers at four different conferences in four interesting cities (Las Vegas, Orlando, Savannah, and Chicago). He’s a doctoral student, and I’m the lucky one who gets to travel with him to the conferences, stay in fabulous places, and use the long weekends as wonderful writing retreats.

2013-08-16 21.40.31I have always thought about moving to a big city. Where I wouldn’t need a car, and I’d walk everywhere, and I would live in a high-rise, write in the public library during the day, and drink at a corner bar every night. At least once a week, hubby and I would visit museums, and all the shops would carry the latest trends.

hilton chicagoAfter staying in the Hilton Chicago on Michigan Avenue, I will say that while I loved visiting the city, I couldn’t imagine myself living in one.

But it was amazing, and I can’t wait to visit again.

2013-08-16 22.07.25Hubby’s conference was titled: Americas Conference on Information Systems, and as a presenter, he wore a dark suit and holy hotness! I couldn’t stop taking pictures of him! Best view in the whole city.

2013-08-15 16.01.49Riverboat cruise. Amazing! For the entire ride, all I kept saying was how I wanted to live in a condo on the river by the lake. And when I emailed a fellow writer who lives in Chicago but was at AAD, she said she lives on the river by the lake and loves it! What?!? Jealous!

Quartino’s gnocchi!

2013-08-16 21.10.46The Lounge overlooking the city at night. Bar was awesome. Mediterranean platter was delicious. Champagne was bubbly. View was spectacular.

2013-08-16 21.54.24The Redhead Piano Bar seemed like other piano bars we’ve visited, but this one was mega awesome because not only did the guy play Billy Joel, but he also played Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid on request.

2013-08-15 14.00.12Walking. We held hands and walked everywhere and talked about anything that popped into our heads. We love iPhones and Google maps.

Missed Opportunities:

2013-08-15 19.37.06We did not eat a Chicago-style hot dog. We didn’t even have one slice of pizza. The museum was closing in ten minutes by the time we made it back, and even though I wanted to hop in a cab and say, “To the library! And step on it!” because of picture I saw on Facebook, I didn’t get the chance to do that either.

B2013-08-15 16.50.00ut we were there for only three days, and thanks to New York Times bestseller Julie Ann Walker and her amazing suggestions, we had a fabulous time and came back exhausted!

So… any suggestions for cities you love to visit?

Cheers for now!

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