Dear 2015

Dear 2015,

Thank you for the lessons learned, even the ones I didn’t know I needed. For 2015 I said I wouldn’t spend money on designer items, and I didn’t. Instead, I used that money to make memories with my husband – to take random road trips at midnight to the middle of anywhere. In 2015, my hubby’s health and happiness inspired me to be healthy and happy.

This 2016 year I plan to slow down, take my time, delete multitasking from my daily routine, and give in to my food cravings once a week.

I’m abandoning my 2014 40-hanger project, and I’m going to figure out how to leave reviews that Amazon won’t delete on books I absolutely love.

Hear that, Amazon? Please stop deleting my book reviews! I write a book a year, but last year I read over fifty books, which makes me more of a reader than a writer and also makes me quite qualified to leave a review, in my opinion.

…and speaking of reviews… Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my books and leave reviews!!! You are amazing!

Cheers and hugs and cupcakes to everyone who took part in my 2015!

This 2016 year I will show up and not give up. I will be grateful for the opportunity to live the life I have crafted for myself, and I will learn to live in the moment, even if sometimes that moment means sprinting toward my dreams like I’m flammable and time is the match.

Yeah. That sounds right.

So… Dear 2015, thanks for having me!

Dear 2016, let’s do this!

xox ~Risa

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